In North Carolina, the legal consequences of criminal behavior often extend beyond the immediate penalties imposed for a particular crime. One significant factor that can greatly complicate new criminal charges is a defendant’s prior conviction. If an individual has a...
Criminal Defense
What factors can impact a criminal sentence after a conviction?
After a conviction in North Carolina, the sentence imposed can be influenced by several factors. Each of these factors can play a role in the defense strategy that the defendant uses in an effort to mitigate the terms of their sentence. Understanding these factors is...
How language barriers can lead to rights violations after an arrest
There are thousands of Spanish-speaking individuals living in the Greensboro, North Carolina area. Many of those people are at a disadvantage when they experience brushes with the legal system, in no small part because those who are arrested may not be able to...
Judges rule roadside drug test kits unreliable
Corrections departments and law enforcement agencies in North Carolina and around the country equip their officers with drug test kits because they only cost about $2 and are very easy to use. All corrections or police officers have to do is place suspicious...
Larceny charges in North Carolina
No one wants or expects to be arrested for a crime like larceny. There are various ways this might happen even if you are actually innocent. This is what you can expect if you face these charges in North Carolina. Understanding larceny charges Depending on the value...
Reliability of eyewitness testimonies in North Carolina
Eyewitness testimony can play a big part in criminal court cases in North Carolina. They can be the last piece of evidence needed to convict someone of a crime or the only thing that points to their innocence. However, despite the weight eyewitness testimony carries...
Top defenses for drunk driving in North Carolina
DWI is a serious charge that can attract significant penalties, including jail time, fines and license suspension. That is why it is important to understand how best you can defend against such a charge. Lack of probable cause When a police officer stops you on...
OIG report details abuse of surveillance warrants
North Carolina residents may know that questions have been raised about warrant applications submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI has a set of practices in place known as the Woods Procedures that are...
Updated law about the police’s ability to search your property
Outlined in the U.S. Constitution is the right for Americans to be free from illegal searches and seizures of their property. However, over the years, the court system has allowed certain searches to occur without a warrant if a police officer believes there is an...